Having Oral Surgery? Here’s How to Prepare

September 28, 2023

If you’ve been referred to our oral surgeon at Chester Oral Surgery for conditions such as tooth extractions, impacted teeth, jaw or tooth injuries, TMJ disorders, oral cancers or gum disease, please rest assured that our practice uses the latest technology, techniques and anesthetics. Our goal is to achieve optimal results while keeping you comfortable. The care and attention provided by our entire staff creates a patient experience that is second to none!

We’ve previously gone through the reasons for our procedure and have done our best to answer all your questions and concerns. For reinforcement, we’ve put together a list of guidelines to help our patients prepare for their procedure and life immediately afterward.

  • In the days before surgery, you’ll need to stock up on softer foods and healthy beverages to accommodate the strict diet you’ll need to follow in the days immediately following your surgery.
  • If sedation is called for, we’ll need you to fast beforehand. Don’t eat or drink after midnight on the night before your surgery or for at least eight hours beforehand. This includes water, too, although if you need to take medication, it’s OK to have a sip of water. 
  • Do not smoke tobacco products the night before surgery.
  • Plan to have a ride home. Sedation, including nitrous oxide, can make it unsafe to operate a motor vehicle. If you cannot arrange a ride, call a cab or other car service.
  • Wear comfortable clothing and avoid long-sleeve shirts that could interfere with an IV or make it difficult to check your vital signs. 
  • Please come about 20 minutes early for administrative purposes, and to allow you to relax and ask any last-minute questions you might have.

Our highly trained and experienced team at Chester Oral Surgery wants all of our patients to feel comfortable and well-informed before, during and after surgery. Please contact us to discuss any questions and concerns about oral health or our procedures. 

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