Do you know what oral/maxillofacial surgeons specialize in?
As one of the most common surgeries performed on American children, a tonsillectomy is practically a rite of passage. Adults may also benefit from having their tonsils removed.
If you are unhappy with one or more facets of your face’s structure, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon can alter it using implants.
Third molars are called “wisdom teeth” because they usually erupt between the ages of 17 and 21.
Oral surgery refers to any surgical procedure carried out on teeth, gums, jaws or other regions that are part of the oral cavity.
The mouth and its many components work together to allow us to chew, swallow and speak. Sometimes, however, people are born with a frenulum that’s too big or too tight.
Third molars, which are our four rearmost molars, were indispensable when humans subsisted on roots, nuts and raw meat.
When a mass or a protrusion of tissue starts growing on a face or jaw, many people fear of the worst.
Oral surgery refers to an operation done on your teeth, gums, jaw, as well as the oral and facial structures that surround them.
Solid nights of sleep allow your body and mind to recharge. Peaceful slumber also helps the body stay healthy and stave off diseases.
The path to getting full or partial dentures is not always straight. Some oral conditions must be rectified before the prosthetics can be placed.
Despite their lofty name, the presence of wisdom teeth do not confer upon their hosts any particular insight or intelligence.